🤘100+ friendship day wishes, status,quotes,images,greetings,sms, messages in english.✌

From school life to job, almost everyone has some or the other friends in every place. There is love between friends, there is respect for each other, there is concern for each other and a true friend definitely helps his friend in every trouble. In the name of such friendship, the first Sunday of August is celebrated every year, on which International Friendship Day is celebrated.
This year friendship day will be celebrated on 1st August. In such a situation, you can send some best friendship day wishes , status, friendship day quotes, friendship day messages, friendship day images, friendship day sms,friendship day greetings to all your old friends or new friends,And believe me, your friendship with them can deepen. So let’s know about them.
🤘Friendship day wishes in English 2021.✌

Friendship is the purest
of all relation.
If you ever find a friend
who is true and honest,
be thankful and
don’t ever let him go.
🤘Happy Friendship
Day to all!🤘
A big thanks to that nice
old friend who made me
realize that there is no end
in friendship whether
we are in touch or not!
Cheers to our friendship.
🤘Happy Friendship Day.🤘
Best Friends Are The
People In Your Life Who
Make You Laugh Louder,
Smile Brighter And Live Better.
🤘Happy Friendship Day.🤘
🤘Friendship day status in English 2021.✌

Those who stand with
you when you are
alone are called
best friends.
🤘Happy friendship day.🤘
Dear friend, wishing you a Happy Friendship Day! Thank you for having faith in me and picking me up in my darkest days. Take my hugs!
🤘Happy friendship day.🤘
A good friend knows
all your best stories.
A best friend has
lived them with you.
🤘Happy friendship day.🤘
🤘Friendship day quotes in English 2021.✌

If You Open My Heart,
Guess What You Are
Gonna See?
It’s You.
True Friends Are Hard
To Find So I Kept You.
🤘Happy Friendship Day.🤘
A friend is SWEET when it’s NEW,
It’s SWEETER when it’s TRUE,
It’s SWEETEST when it’s YOU.
🤘Happy Friendship Day!🤘
It is not important
to make million of friends.
It is important to
have one friend who
will stand by your side
when millions are against.
🤘Happy friendship day.🤘
🤘Friendship day images in English 2021.✌

Childhood friendship is the most beautiful memory
that can never be replaced.
🤘Happy Friendship Day.🤘
It’s Not That Diamonds
Are A Girl’s Best Friend,
But It’s Your Best Friends
Who Are Your Diamonds.
🤘Happy Friendship Day.🤘
I like you most because
you’re always there
to join in my weirdness.
🤘Happy Friendship Day!🤘
🤘Friendship day greetings in English 2021.✌
No one can make me feel
so comfortable as you do. I have everything in this life
because I have a friend
like you.
🤘Happy Friendship Day!🤘
Friendship is a little more trust,
A little less try,
A little more laugh,
And a little less cry,
A little more WE and a little less I
🤘Happy Friendship Day!🤘
A friend shares the
good times and
helps out by listening
during the bad times.
🤘Happy friendship day.🤘
🤘Friendship day messages in English 2021.✌
Happy friendship day 🤘 to
all the friends who care for us,
love us, and inspire us
without any condition!
Friends are like stars in the sky.
You may not always notice them,
but they are always there
watching over you.
🤘Happy Friendship Day!🤘
“Friendship” is the part of
“heart”, “Heart” is the part
of “feelings” “Feelings” is
the symbol of “care”&
“Care” is the special
word for “FRIENDS”
🤘Happy friendship day.🤘
🤘Friendship day sms in English 2021.✌
True friends are like diamonds,
precious and rare,
false friends are
like autumn leaves,
found everywhere.
🤘Happy friendship day 2021.🤘
Friendship is like a turd.
No matter where you are
or what you’re doing,
a bit of it is
always there inside you.
🤘Happy Friendship Day!🤘
It is the privilege of friendship
to talk nonsense,
and have her
nonsense respected.
🤘Happy Friendship Day.✌
🤘Friendship day thoughts in English 2021.✌
My friend my money,
I give my money to
my friend, finally
I lose my money
and my friend.
🤘Happy friendship day.🤘
God, how we get our fingers
in each other’s clay.
That’s friendship,
each playing the
potter to see what shapes
we can make of each other.
🤘 Happy Friendship Day!🤘
Love is not only made for lovers,
it is also for friends who
love each other better
than lovers. a true friend
is very hard to find,
difficult to leave and
impossible to forget.
🤘Happy friendship day.🤘
🤘Friendship day wishes for best friends.✌

The more friends you have in life,
the more enjoyable
your life becomes.
So, make more friends,
take care of them
and live a happy life.
Wishing you a
🤘Happy Friendship Day!🤘
If you have good friends,
no matter how much
life is sucking, they
can make you laugh.
🤘Happy Friendship Day!🤘
Every friendship doesn’t
change into love but
every love
begins with friendship.
🤘Happy Friendship Day.🤘
🤘Happy friendship day quotes,wishes.✌
Friendship is a language
spoken by heart,
not written on paper,
not given by pledge,
it is a promise renewed
every time we get in touch.
🤘Happy friendship day.🤘
Generosity Is Giving More
Than You Can,
And Pride Is Taking Less
Than You Need..
🤘Happy Friendship Day.🤘
Friends are
the best to turn to
when you’re
having a rough day.
🤘Happy Friendship Day.🤘
🤘Everyday is friendship day quotes.✌
Medicines and friendships
cure our problems.
The main difference is
that friendships don’t
have an expiry date.
🤘Happy friendship day.✌
A friend does not walk
before you so you can follow,
he walks beside you so
he can catch
you before you fall.
🤘Happy Friendship Day!🤘
A friend will always
make you smile,
specially when
you don’t want to.
🤘Happy friendship day 2021.🤘
🤘Happy friendship day 2021.✌
People with socially
awkward personality tend
to be more loyal and
faithfull to their friends
when in a relationship.
🤘Happy international
friendship Day 2021.✌
We\’re best friends.
You laugh, I laugh.
You cry, I cry. You jump
off a bridge,
I get on my boat and
save your retarded ass.
🤘Happy friendship day.🤘
An Idiot who make you
laugh in her presence will
definitely make you cry in
her absence !! Bcoz !!
Those idiots
are our real friends !!
🤘Happy international
friendship Day.🤘
🤘Happy friendship day quotes for best friends.✌
It’s ok if you don’t have too
many friends. Just one
good friend is all it takes
to make life worth living.
🤘Happy Friendship Day!🤘
Friendship….is not something
you learn in school.
But if you haven’t learned
the meaning of friendship,
you really
haven’t learned anything.
🤘Happy friendship day.🤘
We’re best friends
because my sense of
humor is the same as your…
🤘Happy Friendship Day!🤘
🤘Friendship day banner in english.✌
Some friendships are
like Tom and Jerry.
They tease each other
Knock down each other;
Irritate each other;
But can’t live
without each other!
🤘Happy friendship day.🤘
The most beautiful
discovery true friends
make is that they can grow
without growing apart.
🤘Happy Friendship Day.🤘
Stupid fights, stupid nights, stupid memories – no wonder
I’m best friends with you…
‘coz you’re
my kinda stupid. Thanks
for being my BFF.
🤘Happy Friendship Day!🤘
🤘Friendship status in english.✌
There is still a great deal
left to do in life and I am
blessed to be able to do
them with a friend like you.
🤘Happy friendship day!🤘
A real friend is one who
walks in when the rest of
the world walks out.
🤘Happy friendship day bestie.🤘
Friendship is like a perennial river
which flows forever.
It may change it’s path but
will never ever dry up.
✌Happy Friendship Day.✌
🤘Friendship quotes in english.✌
Friends And Medicine have Same Important Role In Our Life.
Because Both Are Helpful
To Remove Our Sorrows
and Pain. But Difference
Of Both Of Them is Friends
Have No Expiry Date.
✌Happy friendship day to
Best friends.🤘
Many people will walk in
and out of your life,but only
true friends will leave
footprints in your heart.
Thank you for being
a great friend of mine.
✌Happy friendship day 2021.✌
Friendship isn’t about
whom you have known
the longest…It’s about
who came, and
never left your side.
✌Happy friendship day.✌
🤘Friendship whatsapp status in english.✌
The more I traveled
The more I realized that
Fear makes strangers of people
Who should be friends.
🤘Happy Friendship Day.🤘
Friendship is not a game to play,
It is not a word to say,
It doesn’t start
on March and ends on May, It is tomorrow, yesterday,
today and every day.
🤘Happy Friendship Day.🤘
Girlfriend is Hot Water,
Lover is Mineral Water,
Wife is Corporation Water,
Relationship is Kaveri Water,
is pure Rain Water!
🤘Happy Friendship Day.🤘
✌Friendship day in english.✌
I believe in angels, the kind
that heaven sends.
I’m surrounded by angels
but I call them my best friends.
🤘Happy Friendship Day.🤘
A friend is never a coincidence
in ur life, they r meant to
enter ur life to bring u joy
& laughter. So, I will treasure the friendship between us.
Sometimes, I forget to say hi,
Sometimes, I even miss to reply,
Sometimes, my message
doesn’t reach you,
But, it doesn’t mean that I forget you,
I just giving you time to miss me!
🤘Happy Friendship Day.🤘
🤘True friendship status in english.✌
When I die, friends will
go to my funeral,
good friends will cry at
my funeral, but my
best friend will change
my Facebook status
to chilling with GOD.
✌Happy friendship day.🤘
To whom it may concern,
thank you for always
being there for me,
much appreciated
🤘International Happy
Friendship Day.🤘
In the End, we will
remember not the words
of our enemies,
but the silence of our friends.
✌Happy friendship
day bestie.✌
✌Happy friendship day card.🤘
I believe that friends are
quiet angels who sit on our
shoulders and lift our
wings when
we forget how to fly.
✌Happy Friendship Day.🤘
Heart received “Love”.
Mind received “Knowledge”.
Ear received “Music”.
Eyes received “Beauty” But,
my heart receive your “friendship”
🤘Happy friendship day.🤘
When a friend does
something wrong,
don’t forget all the things
they did right.
🤘 Happy Friendship Day.🤘
✌happy friendship day english sms.🤘
Loveless life is like
fruitless tree but friendless
life is like rootless tree.
A tree can live without
fruits but not without roots.
🤘Happy friendship day.🤘
Friendship is like
a star that guides
the way, near and far.
🤘Happy friendship day.🤘
The sword that can
murder your friendship
is EGO..so it is better
if u let it GO…
🤘Happy friendship day.🤘
✌Friendship day wishes images.🤘
Friends are like
different from
each other…
but still same…
✌Happy friendship day 2021.🤘
Me and my best
friends can
just with face expressions.
🤘Happy friendship day.🤘
The fragrance of life
can only be enjoyed
in the company
of a friend…
🤘Happy friendship day.🤘
Its Better To Be Friends
Than To Be Lovers B’coz
You Forget A Lover But
You Never Forget A Friend.
🤘Happy friendship day.🤘
✌Friendship day funny wishes in english.🤘
If you see a friend
without a smile😁
give him one of yours..
✌Happy friendship day.🤘
FRIENDSHIP is a sim,
which has no activation
charges. Free incoming
and outgoing
with roaming all over the
world and it’s validity NEVER END.
🤘Happy friendship day.🤘
If you have crazy friends,
you have everything.
🤘Happy friendship day.🤘
True friendship cannot be found,
it has to be earned.
Your friendship is
the most valuable thing
to me because I have earned it.
🤘Happy Friendship Day!🤘
🤘Friendship day funny status in English.✌
You’re annoying.
You’re weird. You’re crazy.
You’re stupid. You’re clingy.
You’re… just like me.
A beautiful day spent
without friends like you,
is worse than a night
which is gloomy and blue.
✌ Happy Friendship Day!🤘
Damn you must really
be a loser to find a friend
in another loser like me.
🤘Happy Friendship Day!🤘
True friends are like loud farts.
They don’t smell as much,
always make you laugh and life is impossible to live without them.
🤘Happy Friendship Day!🤘
✌Friendship day funny messages in English.🤘
I don’t know what’s tighter,
our jeans or our friendship!
🤘Happy friendship day!🤘
Knowledge cannot replace
friendship. I’d rather be an
idiot than lose you.
🤘Happy friendship day 2021!🤘
I love my crazy, goofy,
stupid, gorgeous, weird,
lame, socially challenged friends.
🤘Happy friendship day!🤘
It’s not often that a friend
like you comes along. Thank God, because I simply do not have enough energy or patience to
deal with two of you!
🤘Happy friendship day!🤘
“Thank You for Being My Friend!”
Please print this out
and hang it on your refrigerator.
🤘Happy friendship day!🤘
If I could give our friendship a name, it would be Memories Unlimited.
Thanks for giving me
beautiful memories that I
am going to cherish for a lifetime.
🤘Happy friendship day!🤘
My friend, remember that without stupidity there wouldn’t
be intelligence, and
without ugliness, there wouldn’t be beautiful, so the world
needs you after all.
🤘Happy friendship day!🤘
Dear best friend, if you die
before me and
you are at those pearly
gates, ask if you
can bring a friend.
I’m always there for you.
🤘Happy friendship day!🤘
🙏Final word.🙏
We have tried our level best to provide
Friendship day wishes in english, Friendship day for wishes for friends , Friendship day status in English, Friendship day quotes in English ,Friendship day messages in English , Friendship day sms in English,Friendship day greetings in English,Friendship day images in English, etc.
So, just enjoy it and don’t forget to share and bookmark our collection…